January 27, 2025
4 mins read

2.9 BILLION Reasons U.S. Bishops Loved Biden But Hate Trump

Guest post from  ComplicitClergy.com and published with permission from Joe Hoft at JoeHoft.com

For the past four years, many Catholics have been perplexed as to why most Catholic bishops have refused to condemn Joe Biden’s heinous anti-Catholic policies.

Additionally, these bishops have openly welcomed Biden to receive Holy Communion, in spite of Canon 915 stating Catholics who “obstinately persist in manifest grave sin, are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.”

It will be of little surprise if Biden goes-down in history as America’s most radical anti-Catholic president.

For those who continue to be astonished by our shepherds’ silence, we may have discovered the answer.

Complicit Clergy just completed updating its previous analysis on migration-related federal funding awarded to Catholic non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to include all four years of the Biden administration.

The project involved extracting federal immigration-related transactions from USAspending.gov for the 16 year period between 2009 to 2024.

We reviewed all the organizations receiving immigration-related federal assistance, flagging those NGOs affiliated with the Catholic Church.

We then determined in which Catholic diocese each of these organization reside. Finally, we loaded this data into Tableau, a software system that helps people explore data insights through intuitive visualizations.

People say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but in this case, it’s worth BILLIONS. The Biden administration granted Catholic NGOs nearly $2.9 billion in immigration-related funding over the past four years.

That’s more than TRIPLE the level of funding under Trump’s first administration and nearly DOUBLE the amount awarded under the Obama administration over the course of EIGHT YEARS!

Since 2009, Catholic NGOs have pocketed $5.2 BILLION of our hard-earned tax dollars over a 16 year period by providing immigration-related services to the federal government.

What is truly astounding is that over half this amount was awarded in just the past four years! Please keep in mind that this $5.2 billion figure is likely largely understated due to the facts:

  • our analysis only includes programs that are clearly associated with immigration – NGOs are likely using funds from non-immigration related programs to serve the migrant community;
  • our analysis does not include non-Catholic organizations – we saw evidence of state agencies sharing their funding with Catholic NGOs without specifically making a subaward to these organizations;
  • while we did our best to include all Catholic NGOs in our analysis, we undoubtedly missed some Catholic organizations which lack Catholic identifying characteristics in their names.

Perhaps it’s just a coincidence, but we learned just last week that the U.S. Catholic Church has paid-out over $5 BILLION to settle the financial costs of the sex-abuse scandal, not including the millions of dollars they have spent in legal fees trying to defend themselves.

This amounts to over $10 BILLION that our bishops have extracted from the our pockets… and this BEFORE they appeal for more in Sunday collections!

It should come as no surprise that Catholic Charities has been the top recipient of this federal funding, with their network of NGOs harvesting more than $2.6 BILLION of federal funding for immigration-related services.

We should also not be surprised to learn that the illustrious United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) came in second place, reaping nearly $1.6 BILLION.

It is fascinating to note how these billions of dollars have been geographically distributed across the United States. In the chart below, we reveal how this funding has been funneled to organizations based upon the dioceses in which they reside. To be clear, these figures not only include monies going directly to the dioceses, but any Catholic organizations that reside within the diocese’s geographical boundaries.

Washington DC, headquarters for the USCCB, was at the top of the heap receiving nearly $1.6 BILLION. Washington DC was followed by the diocese of Fort Worth, with nearly $1 BILLION and then surprisingly by the diocese of Louisville with $356 million.

Another interesting view of the data is the breakdown by the federal programs supplying to spending. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) tracks the type of assistance provided for each the federal grant.

The top three programs provided funding to Catholic NGOs are 93.566: Refugee and Entrant Assistance State/Replacement Designee Administered Programs (nearly 41%), 93.567: Refugee and Entrant Assistance Voluntary Agency Programs (nearly 18%) and 19.51: U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (just over 12%).

While our shepherds have been largely silent about Joe Biden, the opposite is true about Donald Trump. Throughout the 2024 presidential campaign until now, Catholic bishops have been some of the most outspoken critics of Donald Trump; especially on the immigration issue. Catholic bishops stand to lose millions, if not billions, in federal funding over the course of the Trump administration.

We need to also consider the UTTER HYPOCRISY of our supreme pontiff, who called the Trump plan to deport illegal aliens a “disgrace” on the very eve of his inauguration. It turns out that Pope Francis had just cracked-down on illegal entrants to Vatican City just days before his criticism of Donald Trump.

We encourage you to peruse our complete Catholic immigration funding analysis (simply click on the tabs at the top of the chart to see different views of the data). Here’s a link to an explanation of the analysis. We hope our readers will find this information helpful as they consider the true motives behind our bishops’ criticisms of Donald Trump and their silence regarding Joe Biden.

We also hope that President Trump will follow the advice of Elon Musk, cutting-off all funding to Catholic NGOs that are aiding in the illegal invasion of our nation. We encourage you to share Mr. Musk’s tweet on your social media feeds and tag your post with @USCCB.

Here is more:

The post 2.9 BILLION Reasons U.S. Bishops Loved Biden But Hate Trump appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Source: The Gateway Pundit
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