Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has joined President Trump’s team with a vow to “Make America Healthy Again”. If victorious in November, together they are the Deep State’s worst nightmare come true.
Kennedy has promised to help President Trump drain the filthy swamp of those at the FDA, the USDA, the CDC and the NIH that have colluded with the Big Food industry to literally poison Americans and their children.
Watch Kennedy’s informative video below on how the FDA is signing off on poisoning Americans:
“When it’s the government that approves the poisons in our food a few people get very very rich,” said Kennedy. “And the toxins end up in every supermarket aisle.”
Kennedy’s video blows the whistle on toxic Tartrazine, or “Yellow 5”, a common ingredient in many foods. According to RFK, Jr., this food dye was originally made out of the sludge that’s left over when you turn coal into coke (grey, hard, and porous coal-based fuel) for blast furnaces.
Kennedy says Tartrazine causes tumors, asthma, developmental delays, neurological damage, ADD, ADHD, hormone disruption, gene damage, anxiety, depression, intestinal injuries. It also potentially causes learning problems in children.

Conservatives say “If we do not have a border, we do not have a country.”
The same is also true- if we do not have healthy citizens, we do not have a country…because we won’t have anyone left mentally or physically strong enough to fight government tyranny. DO NOT BE THE WEAK LINK.
Go check every box of food in your home and throw out anything with toxic Yellow 5 and other toxic additives on the label!
FYI, the majority of Kellogg’s ownership is held by institutional investors, including the controversial Vanguard Group Inc., BlackRock Inc., and State Street Corporations.
How do these sick people live with themselves?
You can call the FDA “Consumer Complaint Coordinator” depending on your state by clicking HERE for their numbers or email. Ask your FDA coordinator why the FDA is approving known toxic food additives like Yellow 5/Tartrazine. Let them know they work for We The People and we do NOT pay them to approve toxic waste in our foods. *Please let this reporter know if you actually make contact with one of these people.

Over the years, rumors have also surfaced about the Yellow 5 reducing the size of men’s penis, testicles, and sperm count. This was “debunked” by the scientists. Do your own research and make your own decision on this one.
Watch RFK Jr. talk to Tucker Carlson about his role in draining the filthy swamp at the FDA, CDC, NIH and USDA:
RFK Jr: “I’m going to be deeply involved in helping to choose the people who run FDA, NIH, and CDC.
I’ll bring in people to run those agencies like Calley Means, Casey Means.”
Tucker Carlson: “They have nightmares about that.”
RFK: “Yeah, they should.”
— Holden Culotta (@Holden_Culotta) September 17, 2024
Please follow Robert Kennedy Jr. on X HERE as he continues to work with President Trump to “Make America Healthy Again”. Remember, a vote for President Trump is a vote for not literally poisoning your kids.
Here is a transcript of Kennedy’s video so you can read to really digest how sinister our government has become:
“This is what most Americans innocently put in to their bodies these days…and most alarmingly into the bodies of their children. And it’s no coincidence that Americans die earlier than Canadians or Germans or Italians or Japanese or Koreans or Australians or mast any other comparable country. And it wasn’t always that way.
Until the early 1990s our life expectancy was the same or better than other developed countries. Then suddenly more and more Americans began suffering from chronic disease. From Obesity, Cancer, Diabetes, Kidney disease, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and all kinds of auto immune diseases.
Our maternal mortality rate soared to the highest of any developed country on Earth.. same with infant mortality. Like the frog and the slowly boiling water we didn’t really notice as we got sicker and sicker. We’ve grown now to accept chronic disease conditions as normal- but now in 2024 we’re finally waking up to this cataclysm and we’re asking ourselves how in the world did this happen?

A big part of it is our diet. Restaurants that serve contaminated food are fined or shut down, but when it’s the government that approves the poisons in our food a few people get very very rich and the toxins end up in every supermarket aisle.
Let me show you what I mean. Doritos , Cheez-its, Captain Crunch, Gummy Bears- everyone knows that these are junk foods…so maybe you wouldn’t be too surprised to see that the ingredients include a lot of poisons including a harmful yellow dye Tetrazine or Yellow Dye Number Five.
What you may not know is that this dye was originally made out of the sludge that’s left over when you turn coal into Coke (grey, hard, and porous coal-based fuel) for blast furnaces. It’s called coal tar, and I’ve actually sued many big Industries for legacy contamination of coal tar all around the country because it’s so toxic and it’s so harmful to the environment and human beings.
A century ago it was just an obnoxious industrial byproduct that everybody was trying to figure out ways to get rid of. One of the ways that they did that was by paving roads, but then a British chemist figured out that the coal tar could be used to derive fabric dye. And if fabric dye, why not food?

Food manufacturers began using it to cover up the discoloration of low quality foods that they wanted to pass off on unsuspecting customers. They didn’t know back then that this yellow dye Tartrazine causes tumors, asthma, developmental delays, neurological damage, ADD, ADHD, hormone disruption, gene damage, anxiety, depression, intestinal injuries.
Well, we know it now. We’ve known this for decades. that’s why Tartrazine is heavily restricted in other countries. In some countries foods with Tartrazine have a warning label that it may cause ADHD in children. Today, it’s made from petroleum, not coal tar. Either way, it’s crazy to add this to your kid’s favorite foods. It doesn’t even change the flavor. This yellow dye isn’t just a junk food- it’s in the foods that we consider healthy. It’s in everyday kids snacks like popcorn, mac and cheese, fruit snacks…it’s in sports drinks like Gatorade and so-called vitamin water it’s even added to chicken broth, to corn, to pickles, to mustard and to yogurt.
A RFK Jr. and Don Jr. interview on MAHA:
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And so of course our kids get sick and we lovingly feed them chewable vitamins which have, surprise, Tartrazine and so the cycle continues until the coughs and Asthma kick in…at which point you go to pick up some cough syrup and, yeah, you guessed it- Tartrazine.
l’ve been picking on Tartrazine today, but that’s just one of at least 100 chemical poisons that our health agencies allow into our children’s food. I can make a video just like this to talk about red 40, BHA, BHD, potassium bromide- chemical after chemical and on and on and on. If just one of them can cause all of these problems imagine what they’re doing in combination that’s never been studied. If we took all of these chemicals out, our nation would get healthier immediately. We’d have fewer sick days, we’d have better focus, we’d have less anxiety, our kids would learn more easily, we’d lose weight, we’d have more energy, we’d have fewer tumors, and longer lives.
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It’s not all dark. Over the past 16 years the government has banned eight chemical additives that cause cancer, genetic damage, asthma and many of the other self conditions as Tartrazine does…and you know what’s interesting? All eight of those crucial steps forward in our kids health were taken under President Trump. But the Democrats who claim to be all about healthcare have stood by watching other countries ban these poisons that make our kids sick, asthmatic, hyperactive, and depressed. They left them on every supermarket shelf in America. They even used your tax money to put them in your kid’s school lunch.
So their big food and their Big AG donors probably gave them all that golden handshake and the big money hug and their big Pharma donors probably called them up and thanked them also because now they’re going to make billions selling Adderall, Prozac, and rescue inhalers.
Enough is Enough.
President Trump and I are to stop the mass poisoning of American children together we’re going to “Make America Healthy Again”.

What are your thoughts? Are Big Food, Big Pharma and government agencies like the FDA and CDC terrified at the thought of Trump enlisting RFK, Jr. to “drain the swamp”?
Please follow Cara on Twitter.
Cara is an Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion and Television Personality. She is the co-founder of Citizens Against Political Persecution. You can follow her on Twitter HERE or Instagram HERE @CaraCastronuova. She is currently banned on Fakebook & suing them for colluding with the Biden Regime to violate her First Amendment Rights. You can contact Cara at if you have any tips.
“I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me.” Phil 4:13.
The post Is the Government Colluding with Big Food to Kill Us? RFK Jr. Sounds the Alarm! OUTSTANDING VIDEO! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
Source: The Gateway Pundit
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