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Biden Reads From Note Cards During NATO Working Session and Still Fails (VIDEO)

Joe Biden welcomed NATO leaders to the NATO Summit and participated in a welcome handshake and NATO family photo on Wednesday.

As usual, Joe Biden had to be told where to go as he entered the room.


After the NATO welcome handshake and photo op, Biden sat down for a working session.

Biden had to rely on his notecards to get through the working session – and he still failed.

He failed reading a Truman quote.


Biden struggled to read his notes.

“Fact is that, so many of my, uh, my uh, uh, let me put it this way…” Biden said struggling to read.


The post Biden Reads From Note Cards During NATO Working Session and Still Fails (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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TruthPukes Take:

  • Joe Biden welcomed NATO leaders to the NATO Summit and participated in a welcome handshake and NATO family photo on Wednesday.
  • Biden cannot enter a room without somebody pointing in the direction he’s supposed to go — sad.
  • Biden tries, fails at reading a Truman quote written directly in front of him pic.
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