January 25, 2025
5 mins read

Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate: The Fruit of Vatican II After 60 Years – The Transformation of the Catholic Church into a New Age Pseudo-Church (Part 1)

Guest post by Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

The Parable of the Wicked Vinedressers (Lk 20:9f) fully applies to Vatican II and the post-conciliar period culminating in the arch-heretic Bergoglio. Bergoglio and the apostate structure have taken possession of God’s vineyard and are destroying it.

In 1958, Angelo Roncalli (John XXIII), a proponent of Modernism, was elevated to the papacy. He soon convened the Second Vatican Council and appointed Modernists as its moderators.

This opened the door to the heresies of Modernism that had already been condemned by Saint Pius X. They began to spread massively under the authority of the Council and the Pope, and it was impossible to fight against them. They could now ravage Christ’s vineyard without resistance.

Through his synodal path, the invalid Pope Francis Bergoglio has legalized the outrageous sin of sodomy. He has obliged bishops and priests to bless same-sex unions.

He has thus subjected the vineyard of Christ to the dominion of the spirit of Antichrist and transformed the Catholic Church by his heretical teaching into a New Age anti-church, a synagogue of Satan.

The transformation of the hierarchy had already taken place when individual episcopal conferences, except for Africa and Eastern Europe, adopted the suicidal Fiducia supplicans. The bishops were obliged to reject this rebellion against God! By accepting it, they were excommunicated latae sententiae.

They must repent and renounce this betrayal of Christ; otherwise the priests and the faithful are bound in conscience before God to separate themselves from them as from unrepentant Judases.

Now in the so-called implementation phase, Bergoglio is working to put the Fiducia supplicansapostasy into practice.

Every bishop who has accepted this heretical declaration is guilty of this crime. He allows the false prophet Bergoglio to morally poison not only the bishop himself, but also his entire diocese.

In this year 2025, the apostate Bergoglio has proclaimed a Jubilee Year and with it a whole series of pilgrimages. The anti-penitence associated with the pursuit of indulgences will cause much movement and an apparent revival of the Church.

In fact, these activities are a great deception. They conceal Bergoglio’s separation from the teachings of Christ and from Christ’s way of salvation. With pious phrases, Catholics will be forced to pray for the intentions of the so-called Holy Father in order to obtain indulgences.

Through this ecclesiastical spectacle, the lie will be drummed into the heads of the faithful that the arch-heretic consecrated to Satan is the legitimate Pope.

In this way, the sodomite Fiducia supplicans anti-gospel will gradually be incarnated in every diocese and parish. During this period, Bergoglio will abolish priestly celibacy and introduce the ordination of women as deacons and priests without opposition.

In addition, pagan elements and the spirit of paganism will be introduced into the liturgy. Bergoglio is thus pursuing the satanization of the Church. If he has legalized the abominable sin of sodomy, other sins against the 6th and 9th commandments no longer have any weight.

Then there is no point in Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for our sins, nor in its being made present in the holy liturgy. Under the leadership of the pseudo pope Bergoglio and his followers, there is now truly a synagogue of Satan.

The camouflage of pilgrimages and indulgences can be compared to the coups of colour revolutions.

How could the Church have fallen into such a state of spiritual blindness? Who prepared the ground for this? It was the Second Vatican Council! It committed three great sins.

The first sin: It consciously neglected to voice the unambiguous truth and to clearly condemn heresies!

The second sin: It deliberately used ambiguous terms that allow for different interpretations. They were enforced by the moderators of the so-called “Rhine Alliance”. In the post-conciliar era, they eventually drew unambiguous conclusions from ambiguous terms and legalized heresies.

The third sin: The conciliar documents incorporate statements that border on heresy or are outright heretical.

Moreover, the two greatest crimes of the Council are: the incarnation of the panheresy of Modernism through the historical-critical method, and the unbridled veneration of, even fascination with, pagan cults worshipping demons and Satan.

In short, Vatican II was the greatest tragedy of the 20th century. It anchored, codified and accepted the whole mentality of modernity, liberalism and anti-morality in the heart of the Catholic Church. By adopting ambiguous concepts, the spirit of lies undermined all dogmas. We are now reaping its pernicious fruits.

Bergoglio has fully aligned himself with the aggiornamento of Vatican II, that is, with the spirit of the world, by proclaiming the sodomite anti-gospel. He has embraced the same spirit of antichrist as the Freemasons, and has secretly given it full power in the Church.

The 19th century Masonic instruction of the Alta Vendita reads: “Catholics will be marching under our banner, all the while thinking they are marching under the banner of the Apostolic keys.”

Richard Day, a prominent Freemason, said shortly after the Second Vatican Council: “Some will think that the Church will oppose all this, but in reality the Church will help us.”

The Masonic plan is one government, one currency and one religion. But that one religion is not the Church of Christ, it is the New Age pseudo-religion. To achieve their one-religion plan, the Masons had to undermine the religious and moral foundations upon which the Church of Christ stands.

Vatican II served their purpose. It opened the door to the heresy of Modernism, and its hammer is the historical-critical method. It is a bundle of all the heresies that question the fundamental truths of the faith, such as the divinity of Christ, His redemptive death on the cross, His real and historical resurrection, and the supernatural inspiration of Holy Scripture. Modernist heresies and the spirit of the world have been transplanted into all schools of theology.

The declaration Nostra aetate opened the door to anti-mission within the Church through the so-called “respect for other religions”. This created a false sentire cum Ecclesia, as if the pagan path of worshipping Satan and demons, and on the other hand the death of Christ on the cross, were equivalent paths to salvation.

This spiritual poison has poisoned the Church for the entire 60 years after the Council, thus preparing it to accept the mass apostasy that the pseudo pope Bergoglio is consummating.

The declaration Fiducia supplicans has legalized the gravest of moral sins!

Bergoglio is bringing the spirit of Vatican II to fruition with his agenda of false anti-gospel. The power structure of the ecclesiastical-legal organisation, which controls the last parish and the last Catholic, serves him well.

Thus, the Freemasons have used the ecclesiastical structure to destroy the teachings of Christ and the Gospel of salvation through the abused papal authority. It is a process of spiritual suicide for the Catholic Church. Bergoglio today calls it the implementation phase of the synodal journey.

What a terrible responsibility each Catholic bishop has in these extraordinary times! By accepting Fiducia supplicans and not separating themselves from the pseudo-pope, but submitting to his false authority, the bishops are complicit in his crimes! Moreover, they are creating the conditions for Bergoglio to complete this spiritual suicide of the Church down to the last parish.

The sin of papolatry, which deifies an arch-heretic consecrated to Satan by a sorcerer, is the greatest crime of our time! Why? Because the heresy of papolatry does not allow the truth to be called truth, the heretic to be called a heretic, and therefore does not even allow for saving repentance.

What repentance does God unconditionally demand today?

  1. Bishops and priests in their dioceses must renounce Fiducia supplicans.
  2. They must renounce the poisoned root, namely the heresies and spirit of the Second Vatican Council.
  3. They must separate themselves from the pseudo-pope Bergoglio, who has excommunicated himself from the Church many times and is not its head!

Disclaimer: The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this publication.

The post Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate: The Fruit of Vatican II After 60 Years – The Transformation of the Catholic Church into a New Age Pseudo-Church (Part 1) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Source: The Gateway Pundit
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