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Can’t Make This Up: Democrats Are Building a Protective WALL Around Their Convention (VIDEO)

Democrats erect a fence surrounding their convention this week to protect delegates from dangerous far left protesters – their base.

For years now, Democrats have insisted that walls are racist and don’t work but those rules apparently don’t apply when it comes to their safety.

The Democrat National Convention kicks off in Chicago this week and with the anticipation of massive protests by the radical left, Democrats are building a protective wall around the event.

You couldn’t make this up.

ABC News in Chicago reports:

DNC security restrictions at United Center, McCormick Place start at midnight; car screenings soon

A security footprint around the United Center and McCormick Place goes into effect at midnight Friday ahead of the 2024 Democratic National Convention.

The security footprint area encompasses a 15-foot buffer around the perimeter of McCormick Place and the United Center, and includes Union Park and Park 578, where large-scale protests are planned. The CHA parking lot next to Park 578 is also included.

Within this area you cannot “push, pull or transport any vehicle, cart or float” or throw any item. You are also not allow to possess any item deemed a potential safety hazard, including large bags and suitcases as well as laptops, sealed packages, drones, animals other than service/guide dogs, bicycles, scooters, folding chairs, balloons, coolers, glass, thermal or metal containers, umbrellas with metal tips, tobacco products including e-cigarettes, lighters, matches, firearms, ammunition, fireworks, tents and structures, and pointed objects of any kind, including knives.

In issuing those rules prohibiting those items from the demonstration zones, CPD says they’re in accordance with city ordinance. Violators could face jail time.

Another shot of the fence and snow plows set up to protect DNC delegates from angry leftists. Wow.

Watch the video report below:

Walls for me but not for thee!

The post Can’t Make This Up: Democrats Are Building a Protective WALL Around Their Convention (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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TruthPukes Take:

  • The Democrat National Convention kicks off in Chicago this week and with the anticipation of massive protests by the radical left, Democrats are building a protective wall around the event.
  • The DNC constructing a wall around the convention venue is symbolic of how they protect themselves, but not the country.
  • The security footprint area encompasses a 15-foot buffer around the perimeter of McCormick Place and the United Center, and includes Union Park and Park 578, where large-scale protests are planned.
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