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Counterfeit Chinese Titanium Discovered In Some Boeing Jets, Per FAA

On Friday, the Financial Times reported that Boeing acknowledged some parts of their jets contain counterfeit titanium from China.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reported that Boeing had told officials they had received titanium parts containing counterfeit documentation.

Boeing bought the counterfeit components from Kansas-based aerostructure manufacturer Spirit AeroSystems.

In the past, Spirit AeroSystems has had problems with quality issues.

The Financial Times reported Spirit AeroSystems received the titanium from China, where its documentation was reportedly falsified.

The FAA said in a statement, “Once we realized the counterfeit titanium made its way into the supply chain, we immediately contained all suspected parts to determine the scope of the issues.”

Per The Daily Mail:

Airliners manufactured by Boeing and Airbus have components made from titanium that was sold with fake documentation.

The Federal Aviation Administration revealed the problem after Boeing reported it to the agency when it was notified by parts supplier Spirit AeroSystems.

Spirit is the same company that made the door on the 737 Max plane that suffered a door blowout on January 5 and began Boeing’s recent spate of problems.

The FAA said it was ‘investigating the scope and impact of the issue’ and how it could affect the safety of the unknown number of planes using the parts.

In recent months, Boeing has struggled with dozens of quality issues.

As recently as last week, flames were seen sparking from an Air Canada Boeing jet shortly after takeoff.


Mid-Air Horror: Flames Erupt from Air Canada Boeing Jet During Takeoff (VIDEO)

The post Counterfeit Chinese Titanium Discovered In Some Boeing Jets, Per FAA appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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TruthPukes Take:

  • The FAA said it was ‘investigating the scope and impact of the issue' and how it could affect the safety of the unknown number of planes using the parts.
  • The FAA said in a statement, “Once we realized the counterfeit titanium made its way into the supply chain, we immediately contained all suspected parts to determine the scope of the issues.
  • Spirit is the same company that made the door on the 737 Max plane that suffered a door blowout on January 5 and began Boeing's recent spate of problems.
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