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“DNC Go Home! Or We’re Gonna Bring the War Home!” – Pro-Hamas Protestors Flood Downtown Chicago Ahead of DNC Convention (VIDEO)

Pro-Hamas protestors flooded downtown Chicago ahead of the DNC convention which begins on Monday.

The DNC built a massive wall around the convention and will require ID’s for entry – as they oppose voter ID laws border security because its ‘racist.’

Kamala Harris arrived in Chicago Sunday night after driving around western Pennsylvania in a tour bus.

Harris was greeted by Trump supporters everywhere she went on Sunday.

By the time Kamala Harris arrived in Chicago Sunday night, far-left protestors were in the streets demanding the DNC “go home!”

Grab some popcorn!


Protestors chanted: “Racist, sexist, anti-gay, Christian fascists go away!”


“DNC go home! Or we’re gonna bring the war home!” protestors chanted.


The post “DNC Go Home! Or We’re Gonna Bring the War Home!” – Pro-Hamas Protestors Flood Downtown Chicago Ahead of DNC Convention (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Source: The Gateway Pundit

Disclaimer: TruthPuke LLC hereby clarifies that the editors, in numerous instances, are not accountable for the origination of news posts. Furthermore, the expression of opinions within exclusives authored by TruthPuke Editors does not automatically reflect the viewpoints or convictions held by TruthPuke Management.

TruthPukes Take:

  • By the time Kamala Harris arrived in Chicago Sunday night, far-left protestors were in the streets demanding the DNC “go home.
  • Protesters in Chicago chant “Racist, sexist, anti-gay, Christian fascists go away” on the eve of the DNC.
  • The DNC built a massive wall around the convention and will require ID’s for entry – as they oppose voter ID laws border security because its ‘racist.
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