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Effort to Pass Bill Opposing DEI in Medical School Faces Challenges

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A bill seeking to rein in liberal indoctrination in medical schools is facing many challenges along the way.

The bill seeks to do away with DEI which stands for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

According to The College Fix , “Among hurdles it faces is opposition among the medical establishment as time runs down on the current House session with the looming November election.”

“Rep. Greg Murphy, a North Carolina Republican and a doctor, introduced the House bill in March. Senate Republicans soon followed with a companion measure.”

The measure attempts to block funding to medical schools that use DEI or have DEI offices. As The Gateway Pundit, has previously reported DEI leads to racial segregation.

It also directly discriminates against White and Asian applicants in admissions.

The act opposing DEI, otherwise known as
Embracing anti-Discrimination, Unbiased Curricula, has 56 cosponsors now which is increased from the original 35.

The Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom is also actively calling on lawmakers to pass the EDUCATE bill.

DEI has affected many facets of American life including Medical school, cooperations and college education. Many argue equity is unfair and unrealistic at the same time.

We can only hope The EDUCATE bill will be passed and DEI will continue to be reigned in throughout society. This will help lead to the defeat of what Elon Musk calls “The Woke Mind Virus”.

The post Effort to Pass Bill Opposing DEI in Medical School Faces Challenges appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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TruthPukes Take:

  • According to The College Fix , “Among hurdles it faces is opposition among the medical establishment as time runs down on the current House session with the looming November election.
  • A bill seeking to rein in liberal indoctrination in medical schools is facing many challenges along the way.
  • The post Effort to Pass Bill Opposing DEI in Medical School Faces Challenges appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
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