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Kamala Harris’ DEI Democrat Convention to Open With Racially Segregated Meetings for Blacks, Hispanics, AAPI and Native Americans

It’s her DEI party now. Kamala Harris’ Democratic National Convention in Chicago opens Monday with racially segregated meetings.

The DNC’s schedule for Monday is a stark reminder that the Democrats are still the party of racism and segregation after driving the nation to civil war to keep Black Americans enslaved a hundred and sixty years ago and then enforcing Jim Crow segregation until the 1960s.

Monday morning at 9:30 a.m. CDT, the convention opens with separate but equal meetings for the Black Caucus; Hispanic Caucus, AAPI (Asian American and Pacific Islander) Caucus, Native American Caucus and the Ethnic Council:

An LGBTQ+ Caucus meeting will take place at noon.

The racially segregated meetings are scheduled to be repeated on Wednesday.

Immediately after Harris took control of the party when Joe Biden was forced to relinquish the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination on July 21, Democrats started organizing the Harris for president campaign by race and sex with Zoom meetings for Black women, Black men, White women, White dudes, etc.

There is no Jewish Caucus meeting scheduled for the DNC.

The post Kamala Harris’ DEI Democrat Convention to Open With Racially Segregated Meetings for Blacks, Hispanics, AAPI and Native Americans appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Source: The Gateway Pundit

Disclaimer: TruthPuke LLC hereby clarifies that the editors, in numerous instances, are not accountable for the origination of news posts. Furthermore, the expression of opinions within exclusives authored by TruthPuke Editors does not automatically reflect the viewpoints or convictions held by TruthPuke Management.

TruthPukes Take:

  • The DNC’s schedule for Monday is a stark reminder that the Democrats are still the party of racism and segregation after driving the nation to civil war to keep Black Americans enslaved a hundred and sixty years ago and then enforcing Jim Crow segregation until the 1960s.
  • Immediately after Harris took control of the party when Joe Biden was forced to relinquish the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination on July 21, Democrats started organizing the Harris for president campaign by race and sex with Zoom meetings for Black women, Black men, White women, White dudes, etc.
  • The post Kamala Harris’ DEI Democrat Convention to Open With Racially Segregated Meetings for Blacks, Hispanics, AAPI and Native Americans appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
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