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‘Mean Girls’ moment breaks out in court as Alina Habba gets in George Conway’s face

MSNBC host Katy Tur observed what she said was a “Mean Girls” moment in the courtroom where Donald Trump is on trial.

Trump faces 34 felony counts in Manhattan involving the falsification of business records surrounding a hush-money scheme to silence a story about a sexual relationship.

George Conway, a Trump foe, founder of the anti-Trump Lincoln Project and ex-husband of former adviser Kellyanne Conway, has appeared in court on several days — and has crossed paths with the former president.

The first time Trump spotted Conway, he said that he beamed a big smile at the ex-president — and got a glare in return. When their eyes met again, Conway said that Trump gave him the “stink eye.”

Last week, Conway said that he was deliberately catching his eye because it gets on Trump’s nerves. Trump struck back on Truth Social by posting a photo of Conway in a MAGA hat in tears over the president’s win. As with many Republicans, Conway was on Team Trump until he began to see actions that concerned him.

On Thursday morning, Trump’s Republican allies were on hand in the courtroom and Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) was said to have glared at Conway. Trump’s spokeswoman Alina Habba then took it to the next level, Tur reported.

“Can I just tell you about a moment with [Reps.] Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and Lauren Boebert? They walk in, and they turn to each other, and there was a moment where they both looked back,” Tur recalled. “And then the two rows of the defense lawyers and guests turned back, and they’re just looking at George Conway. Basically saying to each other, it seems, ‘What is he doing here?'”

Also read: Trump scrambles for cash as huge legal fees leave little for battleground campaign

“Later on,” she said it more confrontational.

“Gaetz wasn’t in the courtroom any longer, and neither was Boebert,” Tur continued. “They were doing a press conference outside. But Alina Habba was. And she and Eric Trump both looked back and saw George Conway, and said something to each other, and smirked and kind of made gestures to one another. And then, for the lunch break, they walk out, and Alina Habba just struts over and just gives this glare to George Conway, right in his face. ”

She said that it came off as “so aggressive” in the room because Conway was just sitting there, and the rest of the press gallery were stunned to see what was happening. It was just such a surprising moment — the sort of thing you only see in the courtroom.”

Co-host Chris Jansing asked if it was Tur who described it as being like a scene out of the film “Mean Girls,” which is a film about the battle between teen women in high school.

“It did feel like a ‘Mean Girls’ moment, where you just had this crowd behind Donald Trump, who, I don’t know, it’s like looking over at the other lunch table in the lunch room,” said Tur.

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‘Mean Girls’ moment breaks out in court when Alina Habba gets in George Conway’s face

Source: Raw Story

TruthPukes Take:

  • The first time Trump spotted Conway, he said that he beamed a big smile at the ex-president — and got a glare in return.
  • Co-host Chris Jansing asked if it was Tur who described it as being like a scene out of the film “Mean Girls,” which is a film about the battle between teen women in high school.
  • She said that it came off as “so aggressive” in the room because Conway was just sitting there, and the rest of the press gallery were stunned to see what was happening.
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