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Sharika Soal: Michelle Obama’s DNC Speech Was A Race-Baiting Disgrace That Ignores the Real Crisis in Black America


Michelle Obama’s speech at the DNC was a divisive, race-baiting spectacle that ignored the real issues facing Black Americans today.

As the former First Lady and a native of Chicago, she had the perfect opportunity to address the real issues plaguing Black Americans—crime, violence, and the devastating effects of illegal immigration.

Instead, she fanned the flames of racial animosity, offering nothing but hollow platitudes and dangerous anti-white sentiment.

Adding to the discontent, a Black woman from Chicago posted a TikTok supporting the upcoming DNC protests. She expressed frustration over Venezuelans being dropped off, leading to increased crime and a sense of government betrayal. She emphasized that Black Americans have their own fight, which doesn’t align with the DNC’s agenda. She also noted that eight organizations plan to protest, highlighting the growing divide between the Democratic Party and the Black community.

Chicago, the city that Michelle Obama hails from, is a war zone. Gun violence is tearing Black communities apart, with children being gunned down in their neighborhoods. These are not isolated incidents; they are the tragic result of failed Democratic policies that prioritize criminal rights over community safety.

Black Americans are fed up with being used as political pawns by a party pushing a radical agenda over their safety. Michelle Obama’s blatant anti-whiteness was a transparent attempt to rally Black voters by dividing America along racial lines. But this tactic is wearing thin. The real threat to our communities isn’t systemic racism—it’s the crime and violence that Democrats refuse to address.

Black Americans deserve better. They deserve leaders who will stand up against the lawlessness destroying their communities, not those who exploit their pain for political gain. Michelle Obama’s speech was a disgrace—a cynical attempt to sow division and hatred while ignoring the real issues that kill Black Americans every day.

The time for pandering and race-baiting is over. It’s time for real leadership that will put American citizens’ safety and security first. Michelle Obama had the chance to be that leader, to use her platform to call out the violence and chaos in her own backyard. Instead, she chose the path of least resistance, the path of racial division. And for that, she deserves condemnation.


The post Sharika Soal: Michelle Obama’s DNC Speech Was A Race-Baiting Disgrace That Ignores the Real Crisis in Black America appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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TruthPukes Take:

  • As the former First Lady and a native of Chicago, she had the perfect opportunity to address the real issues plaguing Black Americans—crime, violence, and the devastating effects of illegal immigration.
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  • Michelle Obama’s DNC Speech Was A Race-Baiting Disgrace That Ignores the Real Crisis in Black America appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
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