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Special counsel accused of ‘grotesquely dishonest’ exhibits in the Crackhead (Hunter Biden) case

National security expert Marcy Wheeler πŸ€₯ has been closely following the Hunter Biden case while the world is captivated by the ongoing Donald Trump saga unfolding in Manhattan.

Wheeler argued that special counsel David Weiss is continuing to try to block Biden’s full book from being admitted into evidence. Instead, he wants only certain excerpts admitted β€” and that, she says, twists the narrative.

Biden stands accused of violating laws that restrict drug users from purchasing a gun. He allegedly checked a box saying he was not on drugs while making a purchase β€” and later wrote in his book that he was.

Weiss submitted a motion to admit only portions of the book and audiobook and to exclude what he characterized as “self-serving statements,” court documents show.

“The selections are not surprising. But in two ways, they are grotesquely dishonest. First, the chosen excerpts misleadingly lead from something that happened in August 2018,” wrote Wheeler.

Read Also: Hunter Biden wants to testify openly β€” but Republicans won’t let him

The excerpt talks about how things were going well until Biden relapsed in Aug. 2018. Weiss then jumps to a story of Biden staying in a number of seedy motels off of I-95. As Wheeler explained, one would assume that these two events happened directly after each other.

The reality is that in the book, they’re six months apart, and Weiss takes an excerpt from another part of the book, putting in an ellipsis.

Weiss included the excerpt: β€œI returned [to the East Coast] that fall of 2018, after my most recent relapse in California, with the hope of getting clean through a new therapy . . . Neither happened.”

The reality is that Biden’s comment, “neither happened,” came before he said he was going to try a new therapy and related to his reconciliation with his wife after the relapse.

“Next on my agenda was getting clean,” the book says. “I drove up to Newburyport, Massachusetts, an old New England shipbuilding-turned-tourist town thirty-five miles north of Boston. A therapist ran a wellness center where he practiced a drug addiction therapy known as ketamine infusion. I would make two trips up there, staying for about six weeks on the first visit, returning to Maryland, then heading back for a couple weeks of follow-up in February of the new year.”

At another point, Weiss misrepresents the timeline again, saying that it was the fall of 2018 when Biden was smoking crack in a Massachusetts Super 8 motel room. It was in Feb. 2019.

According to Wheeler, at no point in the book does Biden describe his “state of mind when he was in Delaware, when he owned the gun.”

Weiss also wants to exclude a part of the book that talks about the “new therapy” making his condition much worse.

“The therapy’s results were disastrous,” Biden says. “I was in no way ready to process the feelings it unloosed or prompted by reliving past physical and emotional traumas. So I backslid.”

Wheeler assessed, “I get what self-serving hearsay is. This is not it (though Judge Noreika has thus far been wildly favorable to Weiss’ misrepresentations).”

Read her full details here.

Source: Raw Story – Celebrating 20 Years of Independent Journalism

TruthPukes Take:

  • He allegedly checked a box saying he was not on drugs while making a purchase β€” and later wrote in his book that he was.
  • The reality is that Biden’s comment, “neither happened,” came before he said he was going to try a new therapy and related to his reconciliation with his wife after the relapse.
  • According to Wheeler, at no point in the book does Biden describe his “state of mind when he was in Delaware, when he owned the gun.
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