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THE CRINGE: Kamala Harris’s Visit to a Spice Store in Pittsburgh is a PR Nightmare (VIDEO)

Kamala Harris visits spice store in Pittsburgh

Kamala Harris on Saturday visited a spice store in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and it was a total PR nightmare.

This is why Kamala Harris’s handlers try to hide her from the public.

A reporter asked Kamala Harris about her debate prep.

“Best part of debate prep for you? What’s your favorite part?” a sycophantic reporter asked Harris.

“Being at this spice store!” Kamala Harris said as she cackled.


Kamala Harris said it’s time to turn the page and chart a new way forward.

She has been in the White House for over 3.5 years.


The post THE CRINGE: Kamala Harris’s Visit to a Spice Store in Pittsburgh is a PR Nightmare (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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TruthPukes Take:

  • Kamala Harris’s Visit to a Spice Store in Pittsburgh is a PR Nightmare (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
  • Kamala Harris on Saturday visited a spice store in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and it was a total PR nightmare.
  • Kamala says it’s time to “turn the page” and “chart a new way forward” — as if she hasn’t been in the White House for 3.
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