What does “transphobia” even mean in 2025?
Is it “transphobic” to insist that there are immutable differences between men and women?
Is it “transphobic” to suggest that those immutable differences can lead to dangerous situations when men and women compete in sports?
Or is it “transphobic” to simply be a follower of Christ who knows that God does not make mistakes?
If you’re flaming leftist, you probably nodded along in agreement to each of those questions.
If you’re a normal, everyday person — like Jennifer Sey, the founder of women’s sportswear company XX-XY Athletics — you’re probably also nodding along. But not in agreement.
You’re nodding along because you just don’t care about what the left slings at you anymore.
Sey hammered that point home while speaking to Fox News after she was derided as “transphobic” by a — surprise, surprise — left-leaning publication.
The San Francisco Chronicle gave “cultural critic” Soleil Ho an open forum, and the columnist responded with this drivel masquerading as a headline: “Is this the next MAGA hat? Transphobic apparel is the new hotness.”
The article in question was the usual slanted nonsense from Alphabet Mafia activists, with lines like “I can’t help but look at this whole case as a sad, empty spectacle that demeans us all.”
(Oh, brother. Cry me a river.)
Ho’s main issue with Sey: “Jennifer Sey, a longtime San Franciscan and former Levi’s executive, has been quite vocal about the Riverside case — and she happens to own a company whose sole purpose is to pump out anti-trans activewear and fund right-wing influencers.”
The “Riverside” case involves families of young girls suing after a transgender athlete competed against them.
Sey — a former U.S. gymnast — responded to Ho with a healthy heaping of truth.
Here’s what out-of-touch-with-reality “progressives” don’t get. Writing stuff like this sells more t-shirts.
Cancelling doesn’t work anymore.
Calling me a bigot and trans-phobe holds no power in the culture anymore.
Your old tricks don’t work. No one cares. pic.twitter.com/5ZlHgyyo7v
— Jennifer Sey (@JenniferSey) January 4, 2025
“Here’s what out-of-touch-with-reality “progressives” don’t get. Writing stuff like this sells more t-shirts,” Sey posted to X on Jan. 4.
“Cancelling doesn’t work anymore,” Sey continued. “Calling me a bigot and trans-phobe holds no power in the culture anymore.
“Your old tricks don’t work,” she added. “No one cares.”
And make no mistake about it, Sey’s conviction is real.
“I was inspired to start XX-XY Athletics because I looked around at all of the athletic brands out there claiming to champion female athletes and ignoring this issue that is right in front of us, which is more and more males entering women’s sports,” Sey told Fox. “Not only ignoring it, but I would argue, in many instances, standing on the wrong side of the issue.”
Sey noted that the Chronicle has long had an issue with her: “The San Francisco Chronicle likes to troll me a bit. They don’t like that I’m so critical of the city and their institutions and their governance. That said, I’ll take it, you know, if XX-XY athletics is the ‘new hotness,’ that sounds like it’s pretty on-trend to me.”
Oh, and as for Sey’s direct address of Ho’s article?
“The article overall is … I don’t have another word for it other than ‘stupid’ and ‘filled with lies,’” she told Fox. “The writer makes the assertion that vast numbers of studies show that sex is a spectrum.”
“That’s just false. There are no studies. She cites no studies. She links to no studies,” Sey continued. “There is no evidence that sex is a spectrum. Sex is binary.”
“I don’t know how a newspaper can not even fact check. I know it’s an op-ed, but you know, basic facts should not be violated, I think, in an actual newspaper.”
And this is where this writer must respectfully — but strongly — disagree with Sey.
The San Francisco is not “an actual newspaper.” It’s more of a leftist rag full of socialist indoctrination. In fact, papers like the Chronicle are a dying breed, and for good reason.
It’s supposed to be a “news” paper, not “leftist propaganda” paper, but it may not matter in the long run.
And that’s because Sey’s response to the Chronicle was the perfect distillation of how Americans feel about the establishment media and its shadowy tendrils.
To paraphrase King Théoden, “You leftists have no power here.”
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.
The post ‘The Next MAGA Hat’? Women’s Sportswear Company Goes Viral After Responding to ‘Transphobic’ Accusations appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
Source: The Gateway Pundit
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