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Tone Down the Violent Rhetoric? CNN’s Kate Bedingfield Says ‘Dems Must Turn Their Fire’ on Trump Mere Days After Failed Assassination Atempt (Video)

CNN contributor Kate Bedingfield/Image: Video screenshot.

CNN contributor Kate Bedingfield must not have gotten the “tone down the rhetoric” memo from her Democrat overlords.

Less than 72 hours after the failed assassination attempt against the  President at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, last Saturday, Bedingfield, a former Biden White House communications director, could not suppress her reflexively violent anti-Trump rhetoric and urged Democrats to “turn their fire” on former President Trump.

Bedingfield said., “[Biden] has said many, many times after having been questioned many times about this that he’s not stepping down and that he’s going to be the nominee. So at some point, Democrats have to decide that they want to try to win this election and turn their fire on Donald Trump.”

The tasteless choice of words came during a panel at the RNC with other CNN talking heads, including Anderson Cooper and Van Jones.

Realizing she let her inside voice out, Bedingfield added, “I shouldn’t have said ‘turn their fire’ – I apologize, that was not the phrase that I meant. They need to turn their focus on Donald Trump.”

Her fellow panelists chuckled at her Freudian slip. Because attempted political assassinations, fuled by their very own rhetoric, are apparently funny to CNN.


Bedingfield took to X to walk back her remarks.

Former Acting Director of U.S. National Intelligence Richard Grenell responded with a shaming reminder that this type of violent rhetoric is never ok.

The post Tone Down the Violent Rhetoric? CNN’s Kate Bedingfield Says ‘Dems Must Turn Their Fire’ on Trump Mere Days After Failed Assassination Atempt (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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TruthPukes Take:

  • Less than 72 hours after the failed assassination attempt against the  President at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, last Saturday, Bedingfield, a former Biden White House communications director, could not suppress her reflexively violent anti-Trump rhetoric and urged Democrats to “turn their fire” on former President Trump.
  • I immediately caught myself and apologized – it was intended as a turn of phrase to mean focus on him, but I agree it’s absolutely inappropriate in this moment.
  • Former top Biden staffer and current CNN contributor Kate Bedingfield just said Democrats need to “turn their fire on Donald Trump” — days after a deranged lunatic shot him in a failed assassination attempt.
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