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Trump lawyer gets crickets as he jokes about Congress members in court

Manhattan Criminal Court — Former President Donald Trump’s attorney Todd Blanche heard crickets in the courtroom when he took a jab at members of Congress in front of members of Congress.

Blanche Thursday became testy as he cross-examined former Trump fixer Michael Cohen, the star witness in Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s criminal hush money case whom the defense attorney sought to discredit.

“Please don’t make a speech,” Blanche snapped at Cohen at one point. Moments later he barked, “I’m not asking if you remember being questioned.”

“That’s the way you asked it,” a sullen Cohen replied.

Cohen testified Thursday in Manhattan criminal court for the second day of his cross examination in Trump’s ongoing falsifying business records trial.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg contends Trump, with help from Cohen, cooked his books to send secret cash to adult film star Stormy Daniels during the 2016 presidential campaign that he feared her story of an affair could torpedo.

Trump pleaded not guilty, denies an affair with Daniels and contends he is the victim of a political witch hunt.

Midway through Thursday’s rocky cross, Blanche questioned Cohen about his tax evasion guilty plea and his subsequent contentions in court testimony that he had done no wrong.

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When Blanche transitioned to discussing Cohen’s testimony to the House of Representatives, he asked Cohen a question, apparently aimed at lightening the tension that had mounted.

“Congress members go on a lot, correct?” Blanche asked.

“Correct,” Cohen replied.

Blanche struck a jocular tone when he replied, “Even more than I do!” Blanche then waited for a laugh that did not arrive.

Behind Trump sat stony-faced members of Congress including Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL.)

The silence sent Blanche scurrying to request Cohen read from a transcript submitted into evidence but failing to tell Cohen to read to himself. When Cohen began to read aloud, Blanche interrupted.

“Apologies,” Blanch cried. “I should have been more clear.”

TruthPukes Take:

  • Manhattan Criminal Court — Former President Donald Trump’s attorney Todd Blanche heard crickets in the courtroom when he took a jab at members of Congress in front of members of Congress.
  • When Blanche transitioned to discussing Cohen’s testimony to the House of Representatives, he asked Cohen a question, apparently aimed at lightening the tension that had mounted.
  • The silence sent Blanche scurrying to request Cohen read from a transcript submitted into evidence but failing to tell Cohen to read to himself.
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