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Trump whines about Fox News’ trial coverage and demands Judge Jeanine take over

Former President Donald Trump complained about coverage of his criminal trial about an hour before heading back into the courtroom for another day of testimony from his former attorney Michael Cohen.

The ex-president cited several conservative commentators who questioned the case against him in a series of Truth Social posts on Tuesday morning, and then he blasted Fox News senior correspondent Eric Shawn for what he believed to be insufficiently slanted coverage – and suggested a replacement.

“Fox News should let Judge Jeanine cover the Trial, not Eric Shawn, who has no clue what’s going on – Just another RINO,” Trump posted.

Trump had criticized Shawn last week for his failure to characterize the trial as a “witch hunt” concerning “no crime,” and suggested he read articles by his Fox News colleague Gregg Jarrett, whose coverage more closely matches the ex-president’s talking points.

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“Eric Shawn of FoxNews has to spend a little time reading Gregg Jarrett concerning the ‘no crime’ Witch Hunt taking place in Downtown Manhattan,” Trump posted last week. “Virtually every legal scholar and expert said that I did nothing wrong, the case should not have been brought. Election Interference!”

“Judge Jeanine,” Trump’s preferred Fox News correspondent, is Jeanine Pirro, who served about three years as an elected judge in Westchester County, New York, and stepped down from the bench after she was elected to be district attorney in the same jurisdiction.

She unsuccessfully ran for state attorney general against Democrat Andrew Cuomo in 2006, and has hosted Fox News commentary programs since 2008.

Pirro was named as a defendant in a defamation lawsuit brought by Smartmatic against Fox News and some of its hosts who broadcast false statements promoted by Trump about his 2020 election loss, which resulted in a $787.5 million settlement by the network.

Source: Raw Story – Celebrating 20 Years of Independent Journalism

TruthPukes Take:

  • The ex-president cited several conservative commentators who questioned the case against him in a series of Truth Social posts on Tuesday morning, and then he blasted Fox News senior correspondent Eric Shawn for what he believed to be insufficiently slanted coverage – and suggested a replacement.
  • Pirro was named as a defendant in a defamation lawsuit brought by Smartmatic against Fox News and some of its hosts who broadcast false statements promoted by Trump about his 2020 election loss, which resulted in a $787.
  • “”Judge Jeanine,” Trump’s preferred Fox News correspondent, is Jeanine Pirro, who served about three years as an elected judge in Westchester County, New York, and stepped down from the bench after she was elected to be district attorney in the same jurisdiction.
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